Wednesday, December 31, 2008



How is it that so many of us are still in the dark about HHO generators and "hydrogen on demand" technology? It is a product that is already in the market.
We feel there is a great need to help the public understand the HHO Generator and why this technology is not widely used. Of course there are many claims and conspiracy theories of major automobile corporations tying up with oil producers stifling HHO on Demand alternatives.
Big oil producers are concerned only on their profitability and business but hydrogen on demand as a fuel alternative is no longer fiction.
Adding a HHO generator to your existing automobile is the first step.

The HHO generator is a major breakthrough:

You can improve on your gas mileage by 15% to 50%, and produce almost no harmful em missions by adding a hho generator.

HHO Fuel is very explosive but when applied to your fuel system with an "on demand" HHO generator it is very safe as it does not need to be stored or pressurized, your HHO Generator produces it on demand.
A HHO generator can eliminate harmful emission by adding the needed "boost" to your gasoline to make your engine burn the fuel more complete, this will reduce your carbon footprint which contributes to global warming,
HHO Generators have proven to even enhance your car engine power and performance.

Learn more about these amazing HHO GENERATORS and get FREE plans for several different

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


HHO Generators : How To Run Your Car With Both Water and Gasoline.
Free HHO Generator Plans

If you are one of the thousands of people who are looking to increase your gas mileage, thus saving money you can use elsewhere,you are in the right place.
We want to help you to use HHO gas to reduce your dependency on fossil fuel.

If you are concerned about the environment and seriously would like to stop contributing towards global warming using hho gas as a supplement in the car you already own is a good start.

HHO gas generation is the alternative you are looking for; HHO Gas – Using Water as Fuel is really not that difficult using a simple HHO electrolyser commonly known as the HHO Generator

Hydrogen gas is not stored in a pressurized container. HHO gas is produced by your HHO generator via electrolysis to complement gasoline combustion with HHO on demand, sometimes miss labeled as Hydrogen on demand.
Though considered to be experimental only, it has been tested by thousands of people (me included) with satisfaction. Claims of gas mileage improvement of 15% to 50% are widely reported. Some even higher! This would mean that the world’s dependency on fossil oil will be greatly reduced. Harmful emissions from gasoline combustion to the environment would be greatly reduced too.

We cannot completely do without the use of gasoline in today's vehicles, but we can help by burning less with the use of HHO generators. With the use of HHO generators we can be assured of an odorless exhaust and at the same time achieve fuel efficiency. Cars that have installed HHO systems have proven lowered CO2 emissions and NO2 emissions on smog test. HHO generator is environmentally the right choice.

We will continue to bring you more on this subject and provide you with as much FREE help as we can. Get these free HHO generator Plans